What is yoga nidrā?

What is yoga nidrā?

Curious to find out more about yoga nidrā? Imagine dissolving into a fluffy cloud of nothingness. Feel yourself melting into the ocean of absolute comfort and security. Then, envision being wrapped in a warm protective cocoon and happily surrendering to what is here...
3 good reasons why you should start fixing your sleep right now

3 good reasons why you should start fixing your sleep right now

So you can’t sleep. It’s been going on for a while. You feel that you could be doing something to fix the sleep deprivation situation but you don’t feel the sense of urgency. Perhaps it’s because it’s been so long since you woke up feeling GOOD in the morning that...
Ayurvedic sleep tonic (nighty night)

Ayurvedic sleep tonic (nighty night)

I’ve had my fair share of insomnia nights, yes sir. Now I am not going to say that this beverage will fix your insomnia (adjusting your daily routine probably will!). But I will say that: if you are going through a rough patch on your sleep journey right now, it may...
Finding Health and Solace Through Simplicity

Finding Health and Solace Through Simplicity

A few years ago, I consulted an Ayurvedic practitioner to resolve several chronic illnesses I was experiencing. In a true Western fashion, I was hoping to collect an impressive prescription list of herbal mixtures and potions that would solve it ALL. To my surprise...