Meet Vytautė
Hi and welcome!
I’m Vytautė – an Āyurvedic Health Counsellor & Yoga Nidrā Teacher.
Originally from Lithuania, I live in Brussels, Belgium with my husband and two children. We also share our home with a cute cross-breed 🐕 Juanita, who is undoubtedly the highlight of our sofa.
Right now my days are filled with diving into all things āyurveda and yoga, taking forest walks with Juanita, home-cooking, mum-life, drinking copious amounts of chai and sharing āyurveda with others by teaching & counselling.
Now I’m living a simple and joyful life that I had once dreamed of.
But it wasn’t always the case.

I spent more than a decade of my life studying and then working in the field of European politics.
When my children were born, I started noticing a very big dissonance between the direction I could see my life was going and where I would’ve wanted it to go.
Motherhood was eye-opening for me in finally hearing my own intuition.
During my maternity leave I also heard about āyurveda for the first time as I randomly stumbled upon this Āyurveda podcast.
Little did I know that this was going to change my life forever.
I fell head-over-heels in love and immediately dove into Ayurveda studies.

Since then, Āyurveda has been guiding me every day.
Over time, it gave me a deep understanding of the language of my body – I was able to decipher what my body was asking for through various health symptoms. I learned to cater to its needs and major relief came.
It allowed me to heal chronic insomnia and relieved me of the following symptoms:
» chronic headaches, which I suffered since childhood
» constipation & bloating
» PMS & painful, heavy cycles
» onset rheumatoid arthritis
» anxiety
I am full of gratitude that it allowed me to come this far.
But the biggest thing Ayurveda did for me is that it allowed me to break away from the version of my life that I was unhappy with.
By starting to live harmoniously with my body and with Nature, my thoughts started changing.
I started making different decisions.
I started simplifying my choices.
I started communicating differently.
I was able to turn my life around.
In 2023, I’ve officially quit my decade-long EU politics career to dedicate my time to sharing Āyurveda with others full time, which is a huge source of joy for me.
Today, as your Āyurvedic Health Counsellor, my mission is to help you understand the root cause of your health symptoms and provide you with the most effective tools to address them, so that you can finally start to feel better in your body and your mind.
My goal is to accompany you throughout this journey that will not only positively impact your overall health but also trickle down to other areas of your life, like my past clients who:
- broke free from chronic constipation
- finally started to experience deep sleep
- lost weight
- began to feel joy after being stuck in a depressive cycle
- overcame an alcohol addiction
- finally started believing in themselves
And many more.
What would you dream of for yourself?

My Teachers
I am forever grateful and indebted to my Teachers, without whom I would know nothing:
Kaya Mindlin (yoga nidrā, yoga philosophy), Dr David Frawley (āyurveda), KP Khalsa (āyurvedic herbology), Robin Stamp (meditation), Myra Lewin (āyurveda).
Vytaute is a great listener and an expert in her domain. You feel at ease very quickly, she is very open, very calm, sending you great vibes and asking great questions.
After the few sessions I had with her, my digestion was better – I could put into practice quick wins in my day to day behaviour that really made the difference. She was always very careful about making her recommendations practical and realistic – and that’s why it works. You don’t have to change everything from one day to another, just one small step every day works. After every session, I felt I really learned something and was happy to put it into practice and readjust until I found what was most convenient to me. I would recommend these sessions to everyone.