Trusted Services

Over the years, I have come across some wonderful resources.
I want to offer you a small, curated selection of services that could support your āyurvedic journey in different ways.
Also, please know that these recommendations are not sponsored – quite simply, they’ve been tried and tested personally & I find them to be high quality services and products, stewarded by kind people who’re dedicated to their art.
Study Yoga & Vedic wisdom with my Teacher, Kaya Mindlin. I’ve immersed myself into Kaya’s teachings since 2021 and they’ve come to be nothing short of life-changing. If you feel inexplicably drawn to traditional Yogic teachings and want to learn how you can apply them to your life as a householder, taking on sacred study with Kaya could be a magical gateway to open.
Learn more about Kaya’s work here.
Get Vedic Astrology guidance from a Master Jyotishi, Michael Manzella. I have been working with Michael since 2020. His insights and his wisdom have been incredibly supportive on my journey ever since. Learn more about Michael’s offerings here.
Connect and work with Gabriela from Milanam yoga. Gabriela is a dear friend, a colleague, and a class-mate from my studies with Kaya Mindlin. She teaches authentic and therapeutic yoga online and in-person (based in the UK). My clients also receive a special discount for Gabriela’s offerings for Yoga, Vedic Astrology and ancestral work. You can reach out to her by email gabriela(at)
Enjoy clean and sustainable hand-made products from natural materials by This is a small family-run business, created by Marta and Adam, who put their whole heart into it.
They create beautiful candles from soy and beeswax, as well as offering some wonderful accessories from natural linen, which always makes me think of my Home in the Baltics.
I have come to love my candles from – they’re the best that I can offer for my home and my Altar, where I come to sit daily for my spiritual practice.